Benefits of the Certified RCF Practitioner Course.

All the content and benefits of the RCF Essentials course, plus:

  • Understand advanced aspects of RCF, including inflation, Black Swans, dealing with unique projects, and unknown unknowns

  • Learn by doing: complete an RCF from scratch with expert support, for your own project

  • Receive private, 1-1 guidance from expert instructors

  • Become a certified reference class forecaster and wield this skillset at work to avoid project overruns and benefit shortfalls

  • Written certification that you have been taught RCF at the same high level as our students at Oxford University

What Does the Certified RCF Practitioner Course Include?

The Certified RCF Practitioner course builds on the RCF Essentials course.

  • 2 private sessions with our experts to guide your learning-by-doing

  • On-demand videos and writings, including case studies on how to do RCF in any sector and geography

  • Access to all course resources for 6 months after the course

  • More than 40 hours of learning materials and activities that cater to a variety of learning styles

Completed RCF Essentials?

Message our administration team for your alumni discount.