For Whom Are These Courses Designed?

Our Reference Class Forecasting (RCF) courses are designed for anyone who wants to improve their project forecasting and make better decisions. Anyone with a secondary education will be able to follow the courses and do the calculations involved. No prior knowledge of RCF is required, but some familiarity with project planning and risk assessment will be useful.

Do I Need Access to a Special Software Package to Complete This Course?

No. RCF does not require any special software tools. You can complete the coursework using a spreadsheet tool such as Google Sheets or Excel.

Does this Course Work in My Time Zone?

The course is designed to accommodate all time zones. The learning content is available on-demand, so that you can study at a time that is convenient to you.

Does This Course Focus on Specific Industries or Sectors?

RCF is applicable to any setting where decisions are made based on predictions or forecasts. At Oxford Global Projects, we have used RCF to improve forecasts in construction, manufacturing, retail, finance, software/IT, defense, transport, energy, government, mergers & acquisitions, among many others. RCF is equally valid in the public and private sectors. In the courses, you will encounter case studies from a variety of sectors and industries.

How Do I Become a Certified RCF Practitioner?

Certification is based on participation and on carrying out the course assignments. Certification is awarded to those who have completed the Certified RCF Practitioner course. These courses are the first of their kind. You will have the unique opportunity to study RCF with the experts who - quite literally - wrote the book on the methodology. Certified practitioners will be able to create their own reference class forecasts for their own projects

What Is the Time Commitment Required?

The RCF Essentials Course comprises:

  • Approx. 30 hours of other learning activities and materials to study over 4 weeks, including RCF videos, case studies, exercises, and readings

  • You can now start at any time.

The Certified RCF Practitioner Course builds on the RCF Essentials Course. The course comprises:

  • 2 private sessions with OGP experts to guide your learning-by-doing; these will be arranged individually to accommodate your schedule

  • Approx. 40 hours of learning activities and materials to study over 6 weeks

  • You will be required to complete an RCF for your own project from scratch with OGP expert support (estimated 20 hours of work)

  • You can start today! Enrollees in the RCF Practitioner course are required to start with the Essentials course.

Can I Obtain Special Pricing and/or Private Sessions?

Private bookings for groups of learners may be negotiated, and special group rates are available. Whether for yourself, for a peer, or for a team you’re looking to grow, consider sharing this opportunity with colleagues who will benefit from RCF. Please contact us for more information.

Are Alternative Payment Methods Available?

You, or your sponsoring organization, can pay via bank transfer and receive an invoice from Oxford Global Projects. Once we receive the payment, we will enroll you on the course. Please contact us for more information.

When Is the Deadline for Enrollment?

You can enroll in the self-paced Essentials course at any time.

Please note, there is a discount when buying both RCF courses now, as opposed to booking the Certification course separately.

Interested in booking privately?

Groups and organizations can be scheduled in at specific dates. Please contact us.

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