Oxford Global Projects Ltd. Terms of Use

Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. maintains this website, any courses offered and other linked and related sites (the “Site”) for the use of its customers, vendors, students, and other Site users (“Users”) upon agreement to the following terms. Please read the terms carefully before using the Site. Use of this website indicates acceptance of these “Terms of Use” and forms a legally binding agreement (“Agreement”) between you and Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. 


Furthermore, your use of the Site constitutes your acceptance of and agreement to all of the terms and conditions, the Privacy Policy, and any other legal notices or additional Terms of Use or policies published by Oxford Global Projects, LtdIf you do not agree to these terms, do not use this Site.

1. Use of Site

Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. provides various materials, information, quizzes, tests, questions, articles, news and other information on this and related sites and in courses offered through this site (the “Materials”). Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. authorizes each User to view and download one copy of the Materials. Materials may be downloaded and a maximum of one copy of the Materials may be printed provided that Users make no modifications to the Materials and you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original Materials on any copies of the Materials. Users may not modify the Materials at this Site in any way or reproduce, share or distribute them. Users will keep all Materials confidential, and will not sell, auction, loan, rent, give away, describe, summarize, or otherwise reveal the Materials or their contents, to any other person or entity. Any breach of these Terms of Use automatically terminates your authorized use of the Site.

2. Trademark and Copyright

Oxford Global Projects Academy and certain other brands, trademarks, and service marks are marks of Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. and its affiliates. The Materials on this Site are copyrighted, and any unauthorized use of any Materials on this Site may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws.

3. Hyperlinks

Links to external websites are provided solely as a convenience to you. Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. has not reviewed all of these external websites, does not control and is not responsible for any of these sites or their content. If you decide to access any of the external websites linked to this Site, you do so entirely at your own risk.

4. No Warranty

The Materials provided at this site are provided “as is” without any warranties of any kind including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property. Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. further does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the Materials at this Site. Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. may make changes to the Materials at this Site, or to the services and prices described in them, at any time without notice. The Materials at this Site may be out of date, and Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. makes no commitment to update the Materials at this Site.

5. Limitation of Liability

In no event will Oxford Global Projects, Ltd., its suppliers, or other third parties mentioned at this Site be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, those resulting from application of Site Materials, interruption of services or inaccurate information) arising out of the use, inability to use, or the results of the use of this Site, any websites linked to this Site, or the Materials or information contained at any or all such sites, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages. If your use of the Materials or information from this Site results in the need for servicing, repair or correction of equipment or data, you assume all costs thereof.


6. Acceptable Use of Public Spaces

The Site may contain Public Spaces. You may only use such community areas to send and receive messages and materials that are relevant and proper to the applicable forum. For the safety and integrity of the Site, you should not share your personal contact information with other Users.


You understand that all submissions made to Public Spaces will be public and that you will be publicly identified by your name or login identification when communicating in Public Spaces. The Site will not be responsible for the action of any Users with respect to any information or materials posted in Public Spaces.

7. User Content

By making available any User Content on or through the Platform, you hereby grant to Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, to use, copy, adapt, modify, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, stream, broadcast, access, view, and otherwise exploit such User Content on, through, by means of or to promote, market or advertise the Site, or for any other purpose in our sole discretion. In the interest of clarity, the license granted to Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. shall survive termination of the Site or your account and apply on any media now known or not currently known in order to perform and improve upon the Site

While it has no obligation to do so, you agree that Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. may proofread, summarize or otherwise edit and/or withdraw your User Content, and you understand it remains your sole responsibility to monitor your User Content and ensure that such edited Content is accurate and consistent with your representations and warranties in this agreement.

Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to remove or disable access to User Content that we, in our sole discretion, consider to be objectionable for any reason, in violation of this agreement or otherwise harmful to the Site or its Users, or for any other reason.‍

8. Indemnification and Release

You agree to release, defend, indemnify, and hold Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. and its affiliates harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way connected with (i) your violation of the Terms of Use; (ii) your User Content; (iii) your interaction with any User; and (iv) the use of the Site by you, including but not limited to any injuries, losses, or damages (compensatory, direct, incidental, consequential or otherwise) of any kind arising in connection with the Site or its use.

9. Applicable Law

The Terms of Use are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Each of the parties irrevocably submits to the personal jurisdiction of and venue in such courts unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the parties in writing. You hereby waive any and all jurisdictional and venue defenses otherwise available.


Failure to enforce strict performance of the Terms of Use of Use shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right. Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. may assign its rights and duties under the Terms of Use without notice to any party at any time. 


10. Effective Date and Updates

The Terms are effective as of January 22, 2021 and are subject to change without notice by Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. at any time. Please check for changes regularly. Your use of this Site after such changes constitutes your agreement to such changes.

11. General

This Terms of Use constitutes the complete and exclusive agreement between you and Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. with respect to its subject matter, and supersedes and governs any and all prior agreements or communications. The provisions of this agreement are intended to be interpreted in a manner which makes them valid, legal, and enforceable. 

In the event any provision is found to be partially or wholly invalid, illegal or unenforceable, (i) such provision shall be modified or restructured to the extent and in the manner necessary to render it valid, legal, and enforceable or, (ii) if such provision cannot be so modified or restructured, it shall be excised from the Terms of Use without affecting the validity, legality or enforceability of any of the remaining provisions. This Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by you without our prior written approval. We may assign or transfer this Agreement without your consent, including but not limited to assignments: (i) to a parent or subsidiary, (ii) to an acquirer of assets, or (iii) to any other successor or acquirer. Any assignment in violation of this Section 11 shall be null and void. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of Oxford Global Projects, Ltd., its successors and assigns.

(i) Force Majeure: Other than payment obligations, neither Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. nor you shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure in performance under the Agreement arising out of a cause beyond its control and without its fault or negligence. Such causes may include but are not limited to fires, floods, earthquakes, strikes, unavailability of necessary utilities, blackouts, acts of God, acts of declared or undeclared war, acts of regulatory agencies, or national disasters.

(ii) Contacting You and Consent to Electronic Notification: You agree that Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to the Agreement, by email, regular mail, or postings on the Site. You also agree that all notices that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing[1] You may withdraw your consent to the use of the electronic record by sending an email to [email protected] [2] with "Revoke Electronic Consent" in the subject line. To view and retain a copy of the Agreement or any information regarding your enrollment in the Site, you will need (i) a device (such as a computer or mobile phone) with a web browser and internet access; and (ii) either a printer or storage space on such device. For a free paper copy, or to update our records of your contact information, send an email to [email protected] [3]  with contact information and the address for delivery.

(iii) Entire Agreement: These Terms of Use, together with the Privacy Policy and any other legal notices or additional terms and conditions or policies published by Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. on the Site, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. concerning the Site, the Materials, and their use. Except as explicitly stated herein, if any provision of the Agreement is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.

(iv) Changes to this Agreement and to the SiteOxford Global Projects, Ltd. reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to change, modify, add to, supplement, suspend, discontinue, or delete any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy) and review, improve, modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Site or Materials through the Site at any time, effective with or without prior notice and without any liability to Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. will endeavor to notify you of material changes by email, but will not be liable for any failure to do so. If any future changes to this Agreement are unacceptable to you or cause you to no longer be in compliance with this Agreement, you must terminate, and immediately stop using the Site. Your continued use of the Site following any revision to this Agreement constitutes your complete and irrevocable acceptance of any and all such changes. Oxford Global Projects, Ltd. may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to part or all of the Site without notice or liability.

(v) Waiver: No waiver of any provision of these Terms of Use shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and Oxford Global Project, Ltd. failure to assert any right or provision under these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

(vi) Statute of Limitations: You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim arising out of or related to the Site offered therein must commence within one (1) year after the cause of action accrues. Otherwise, such cause of action is permanently barred.  

(vii) Section Headings: The section headings in these Terms of Use are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect. 

(viii) Contact Information: If you have any questions about the Agreement or the Site, please contact us by sending an email to [email protected].